Zitate von Hubert Gorbach

Ein bekanntes Zitat von Hubert Gorbach:

Brief von Ex-Vizekanzler Hubert Gorbach an den britischen Finanzminister Alistair Darling: Dear Alistar! // Because of my retirement of the Austrian Government at the beginning of the year I got a lot of inquiries responding different offers concerning consulting-contracts for Austrian firms as well as international firms in order to deploy all my international contacts and beyond of this to use my friendly relations in so many regions. // In respect of the 'handshake' with a very good friend who is leading a big tourism company, I didn't go after this and I declined a lot of inquiries. Now, after considerable time, I feel 'the world in Vorarlberg is too small' and I considered starting my own business in consulting and lobbying. // Because of that I'm going on to establish relations in consulting - that's why I apply to you, my 'long-time friend.' I intend to do project-related activities limited in time as well as I would like to innovate my long and positive experiences, my 'know-how', all my previous experiences - commercial and political - in supervisory boards and advisory boards etc. // Therefore I accepted with pleasure the election in the supervisory board in one of the most famous Austrian firms - the RHI-group (world market leader in refractory products, quoted). // If you know about any area of operation for myself, where I am able to intend all my experiences and my know-how, please let me know, I am available anytime for further information. // At this time the most important thing for me is that our good contacts will be upright furthermore! // I wish you and your team all the best. // With kindest regards" // Unterschrift von Hubert Gorbach. Frastanz, 18 July 2007.

Informationen über Hubert Gorbach

Exportmanager, FPÖ-Mitglied seit 29.5.1980, Mitglied des FP-Bundesparteipräsidiums seit 1992, 1999 - 2003 Landesstatthalter in Vorarlberg, Bundesminister für Verkehr vom 28.2.2003-11.1.2007, Vizekanzler vom 21.10.2003-11.1.2007 (Österreich, 1956).

Hubert Gorbach · Geburtsdatum

Hubert Gorbach ist heute 67 Jahre, 10 Monate, 6 Tage oder 24.782 Tage jung.

Geboren am 27.07.1956 in Frastanz
Sternzeichen: ♌ Löwe

Weitere 3 Zitate von Hubert Gorbach

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