Zitate von Brendan Behan
Ein bekanntes Zitat von Brendan Behan:
Whisky ist ein probates Mittel, den Geschmack von Wasser zu verbessern.
Informationen über Brendan Behan
Schriftsteller (Irland, 1923 - 1964).
Brendan Behan · Geburtsdatum · Sterbedatum
Brendan Behan wäre heute 101 Jahre, 11 Monate, 6 Tage oder 37.231 Tage alt.
Geboren am 09.02.1923
Gestorben am 20.03.1964
Sternzeichen: ♒ Wassermann
Weitere 29 Zitate von Brendan Behan
Go on, abuse me-your own husband that took you off the streets on a Sunday morning, when there wasn't a pub open in the city.
He was born an Englishman and remained one for years.
I am a sociable worker. Have you your testament?
Meanwhile I'll sing that famous old song, 'The Hound that Caught the Pubic Hare'.
Pat: He was an Anglo-Irishman. Meg: In the blessed name of God what's that? Pat: A Protestant with a horse.
There's no such thing as bad publicity except your own obituary.
We're here because we're queer Because we're queer because we're here.
When I came back to Dublin, I was courtmartialled in my absence and sentenced to death in my absence, so I said they could shoot me in my absence.
C'était un Anglo-Irlandais. « Sacrebleu, qu'est-ce que c'est que ça? - Un protestant qui a un cheval. »
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