Zitate von Henry Ford

The notion that tipping is optional and the amount discretionary is as quaint as the soul who might try it. Short of being angered to the point of fisticuffs or other forms of mayhem, if you last in a restaurant long enough to get the check, the basic rules are simple: Fifteen percent of the bill for the waiter; another 5% of the bill for the captain, in the places where he makes the salad and generally works at the job; one dollar per bottle for the wine steward; and/or a buck for the barteneder if he had made several drinks. ( And don't think) you can walk out without tipping if you have been dissatisfied . . . Gold is the most useless thing in the world. I am not interested in money but in the things of which money is merely a symbol.

Informationen über Henry Ford

Mechanikerlehrling, Unternehmer, konstruierte 1892 seinen ersten Motorwagen, gründete am 16. 06. 1903 gemeinsam mit 11 Investoren die "Ford Motor Company" und am 08. 03. 1911 die "Ford Motor Company England" (USA, 1863 - 1947).

Henry Ford · Geburtsdatum · Sterbedatum

Henry Ford wäre heute 160 Jahre, 9 Monate, 20 Tage oder 58.734 Tage alt.

Geboren am 30.07.1863 in Dearborn/Michigan
Gestorben am 07.04.1947 in Detroit
Sternzeichen: ♌ Löwe

Weitere 149 Zitate von Henry Ford