Zitate von Seigneur Michel Eyquem de Montaigne
Ein bekanntes Zitat von Seigneur Michel Eyquem de Montaigne:
Wissen und Wahrheit können ohne Urteilskraft in uns wohnen, und auch die Urteilskraft ohne die anderen zwei: Ist doch die Erkenntnis des Nichtwissens einer der schönsten und sichersten Beweise für die Urteilskraft.
Informationen über Seigneur Michel Eyquem de Montaigne
Humanist, Schriftsteller, Philosoph, Politiker, Begründer der "Essayistik", "Theologia Naturalis" (Frankreich, 1533 - 1592).
Seigneur Michel Eyquem de Montaigne · Geburtsdatum · Sterbedatum
Seigneur Michel Eyquem de Montaigne wäre heute 491 Jahre, 6 Monate, 20 Tage oder 179.536 Tage alt.
Geboren am 28.02.1533 in Saint-Michel-de-Montaigne
Gestorben am 13.09.1592 in Saint-Michel-de-Montaigne
Sternzeichen: ♓ Fische
Weitere 803 Zitate von Seigneur Michel Eyquem de Montaigne
The beginnings of all things are weak and tender. We must therefore be clear-sighted in the beginnings, for, as in their budding we discern not the danger, so in their full growth we perceive not the remedy.
The ceaseless labour of your life is to build the house of death.
The daughter-in-law of Pythagoras said that a woman who goes to bed with a man ought to lay aside her modesty with her skirt, and put it on again with her petticoat.
The finest lives, in my opinion, are those who rank in the common model, and with the human race, but without miracle, without extravagance.
The general order of things that takes care of fleas and moles also takes care of men, if they will have the same patience that fleas and moles have, to leave it to itself.
The great and glorious masterpiece of men is to live to the point. All other things - to reign, to hoard, to build - are, at most, but inconsiderable props and appendages.
The great thing in the world is to know how to be sufficient unto oneself.
The greatest thing in the world is to know how to be oneself.
The journey not the arrival matters.
The land of marriage has this peculiarity: that strangers are desirous of inhabiting it, while its natural inhabitants would willingly be banished from it.
The most evident token and apparent sign of true wisdom is a constant and unconstrained rejoicing.
The plainest sign of wisdom is continual cheerfulness. Her state is like that of things in the regions above the moon, always clear and serene.
The pursuit of pleasure Is the most pleasant pleasure.
The strongest, most generous and proudest of all virtues is courage.
The thing in the world I am most afraid of is fear.
The value of life lies not in the length of days but in the use you make of them; he has lived for a long time who has little lived. Whether you have lived enough depends not on the number of your years but on your will.
The want of goods is easily repaired, but the poverty of the soul is irreparable.
The word is half his that speaks, and half his that hears it.
The world is but a perpetual see-saw.
The worth of the mind consisteth not in going high, but in marching orderly.