Zitate von Charles Dickens

''Cos a coachman's a privileged indiwidual" replied Mr. Weller, looking fixedly at his son. ''Cos a coachman may do vithout suspicion wot other men may not; 'cos a coachman may be on the wery amicablest terms with eighty mile o' females, and yet nobody think that he ever means to marry any run among them.'

Informationen über Charles Dickens

Schriftsteller, "Oliver Twist", "Nicholas Nickleby", "David Copperfield", "A Christmas Carol" (England, 1812 - 1870).

Charles Dickens · Geburtsdatum · Sterbedatum

Charles Dickens wäre heute 212 Jahre, 7 Monate, 0 Tage oder 77.645 Tage alt.

Geboren am 07.02.1812 in Landport
Gestorben am 09.06.1870 in Gadshill Place
Sternzeichen: ♒ Wassermann

Weitere 286 Zitate von Charles Dickens