Zitate von Charles Dickens
Ein bekanntes Zitat von Charles Dickens:
Wenn das nicht über einen Hahnenkampf geht, so ist er nie zu übertreffen, wie der Oberbürgermeister meinte, als der erste Staatssekretär nach dem Schmaus auf die Gesundheit seiner Frau trank.
Informationen über Charles Dickens
Schriftsteller, "Oliver Twist", "Nicholas Nickleby", "David Copperfield", "A Christmas Carol" (England, 1812 - 1870).
Charles Dickens · Geburtsdatum · Sterbedatum
Charles Dickens wäre heute 212 Jahre, 7 Monate, 12 Tage oder 77.657 Tage alt.
Geboren am 07.02.1812 in Landport
Gestorben am 09.06.1870 in Gadshill Place
Sternzeichen: ♒ Wassermann
Weitere 286 Zitate von Charles Dickens
Other things are all very well in their way, but give me Blood!
Our fellow-countryman is a model of a man, quite fresh from Natur's mould! . . . Rough he may be. So air our Barrs. Wild he may be. So air our Buffalers. But he is the child of Natur, and a child of Freedom; and his boastful answer to the Despot and the Tyrant is, that his bright home is in the setting Sun.
Papa! What's money?
People mutht be amuthed. They can't be alwayth a learning, nor yet they can't be alwayth a working, they an't made for it.
Please, sir, I want some more.
Professionally he declines and falls, and as a friend he drops into poetry.
Say, like those wicked Turks, there is no What's-his-name but Thingummy, and What-you-may-call-it is his prophet!
Serve it right for being so dear.
She's been thinking of the old 'un!
She's the only sylph I ever saw, who could stand upon one leg, and play the tambourine on her other knee, like a sylph.
She's the sort of woman . . . one would almost feel disposed to bury for nothing: and do it neatly, too!
Sir, My pa requests me to write to you, the doctors considering it doubtful whether he will ever recuvver the use of his legs which prevents his holding a pen.
Some people . . . may be Rooshans, and others may be Prooshans; they are born so, and will please themselves. Them which is of other naturs thinks different.
Something will come of this. I hope it mayn't be human gore.
Stranger, pause and ask thyself the question, Canst thou do likewise? If not, with a blush retire.
Strike them all dead! What right have they to butcher me?
Subdue your appetites my dears, and you've conquered human natur.
The bearings of this observation lays in the application of it.
The have-his-carcase, next to the perpetual motion, is vun of the blessedest things as wos ever made.
The one great principle of the English law is, to make business for itself.