Zitate von Charles Dickens
Ein bekanntes Zitat von Charles Dickens:
Es ist aber ein schlechter Tausch gewesen, wie der Herr sagte, als er zwei verdächtige Schilling und sechs Pence in kleiner Münze für eine gute halbe Krone eingehandelt hatte.
Informationen über Charles Dickens
Schriftsteller, "Oliver Twist", "Nicholas Nickleby", "David Copperfield", "A Christmas Carol" (England, 1812 - 1870).
Charles Dickens · Geburtsdatum · Sterbedatum
Charles Dickens wäre heute 212 Jahre, 7 Monate, 12 Tage oder 77.657 Tage alt.
Geboren am 07.02.1812 in Landport
Gestorben am 09.06.1870 in Gadshill Place
Sternzeichen: ♒ Wassermann
Weitere 286 Zitate von Charles Dickens
The stranger in the land who looks into ten thousand faces for some answering look and never finds it, is in cheering society as compared with him who passes ten averted faces daily, that were once the countenances of friends.
The sum of the whole is this: walk and be happy; walk and be healthy. The best way to lengthen out our days is to walk steadily and with a purpose.
The unities, sir . . . are a completeness-a kind of universal dovetailedness with regard to place and time.
The wictim o' connubiality, as Blue Beard's domestic chaplain said, with a tear of pity, ven he buried him.
The wind's in the east . . . I am always conscious of an uncomfortable sensation now and then when the wind is blowing in the east.
The words she spoke of Mrs Harris, lambs could not forgive . . . nor worms forget.
There are only two styles of portrait painting; the serious and the smirk.
There are strings in the human heart that had better not be vibrated.
There is a moral in everything.
There is a passion for hunting something deeply implanted in the human breast.
There is in the Englishman a combination of qualities, a modesty, an independence, a responsibility, a repose, combined with an absence of everything calculated to call a blush into the cheek of a young person, which one would seek in vain among the Nations of the Earth.
There is no substitute for thoroughgoing, ardent and sincere earnestness.
There might be medical doctors . . . a cocking their medical eyes.
There was no light nonsense about Miss Blimber . . . she was dry and sandy with working in the graves of deceased languages. None of your live languages for Miss Blimber. They must be dead-stone dead-and then Miss Blimber dug them up like a Ghoul.
There's milestones on the Dover Road!
Therefore I do require it, which I makes confession, to be brought reg'lar and draw'd mild.
This ain't the shop for justice.
This is a London particular . . . A fog, miss.
This is a world of action, and nor for moping and droning in.
Try to do to others as you would have them do to you, and do not be discouraged if they fail sometimes. It is much better that they should fail than that you should.