Zitate von Harry Emerson Fosdick

One of the most amazing things ever said on this earth is Jesus's statement: "He that is greatest among you shall be your servant." Nobody has one chance in a billion of being thought really great after a century has passed except those who have been the servants of all. That strange realist from Bethlehem knew that.

Informationen über Harry Emerson Fosdick

Geistlicher, Lehrer, Autor, "Martin Luther" (USA, 1878 - 1969).

Harry Emerson Fosdick · Geburtsdatum · Sterbedatum

Harry Emerson Fosdick wäre heute 145 Jahre, 11 Monate, 10 Tage oder 53.306 Tage alt.

Geboren am 24.05.1878 in Buffalo
Gestorben am 05.10.1969 in Bronxville
Sternzeichen: ♊ Zwillinge

Weitere 29 Zitate von Harry Emerson Fosdick