Zitate von James Henry Leigh Hunt

And all the scene, in short-sky, earth, and sea, Breathes like a bright-eyed face, that laughs out openly. 'Tis nature, full of spirits, waked and springing: - The birds to the delicious timeare singing, Darting with freaks and snatches up and down, Where the light woods go seaward from the town.

Informationen über James Henry Leigh Hunt

Schriftsteller, Essayist, Kritiker (England, 1784 - 1859).

James Henry Leigh Hunt · Geburtsdatum · Sterbedatum

James Henry Leigh Hunt wäre heute 240 Jahre, 0 Monate, 25 Tage oder 87.683 Tage alt.

Geboren am 19.10.1784 in Southgate (London)
Gestorben am 28.08.1859 in Putney (London)
Sternzeichen: ♎ Waage

Weitere 32 Zitate von James Henry Leigh Hunt