Zitate von John Boynton Priestley

This little steamer, like all her brave and battered sisters, is immortal. She'll go sailing proudly down the years in the epic of Dunkirk. And our great-grand-children, when they learn how we began this war by snatching glory out of defeat, and then swept on to victory, may also learn how the little holiday steamers made an excursion to hell and came back glorious.

Informationen über John Boynton Priestley

Schriftsteller, "Engelgasse", "Ein Inspektor kommt" (England, 1894 - 1984).

John Boynton Priestley · Geburtsdatum · Sterbedatum

John Boynton Priestley wäre heute 130 Jahre, 4 Monate, 20 Tage oder 47.624 Tage alt.

Geboren am 13.09.1894 in Bradford (York)
Gestorben am 14.08.1984 in Stratford-upon-Avon
Sternzeichen: ♍ Jungfrau

Weitere 36 Zitate von John Boynton Priestley