Zitate von John Edgar Hoover

Juvenile delinquency can be prevented. It is not a scourge which rules with an inevitable necessity. One of the best weapons with which to attack this malady is religious training. The young boy and girl trained in the teachings of the Bible have a moral reliance which serves as a compass for everyday living. They know the difference between right and wrong, good and evil. They are able to conquer the temptations of life.

Informationen über John Edgar Hoover

Jurist, Direktor des FBI von 1934 - 1972 (USA, 1895 - 1972).

John Edgar Hoover · Geburtsdatum · Sterbedatum

John Edgar Hoover wäre heute 130 Jahre, 2 Monate, 0 Tage oder 47.544 Tage alt.

Geboren am 01.01.1895 in Washington
Gestorben am 02.05.1972 in Washington
Sternzeichen: ♑ Steinbock

Weitere 6 Zitate von John Edgar Hoover

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