Zitate von Konfuzius

The wise men of antiquity; when they wished to make the whole world peaceful and happy, first put their own States into proper order. Before putting their States into proper order; they regulated their own families. Before regulating their families, they regulated themselves. Before regulating themselves, they tried to be sincere in their thoughts. Before being sincere in their thoughts, they tried to see things exactly as they really were.

Informationen über Konfuzius

Philosoph zur Zeit der Zhou-Dynastie, zentrales Thema seiner Lehren war die menschliche Ordnung mit dem Ziel der Erlangung vollkommener Tugend (China, 551 - 479 v. Chr.).

Konfuzius · Geburtsdatum · Sterbedatum

Geboren am 02.09.-551 in Qufu/Provinz Schantung
Gestorben am 11.04.-479 in Qufu/Provinz Schantung
Sternzeichen: ♍ Jungfrau

Weitere 491 Zitate von Konfuzius