Zitate von Lord Horatio Nelson

May the Great God, whom I worship, grant to my Country and for the benefit of Europe in general a great and glorious victory; and may no misconduct in anyone tarnish it; and may humanity after Victory be the predominant feature of the British Fleet. For myself, individually, I commit my life to Him whomade me, and may His blessing light upon my endeavours for serving my Country faithfully. To Him I resign myself and the just cause which is entrusted to me to defend. Amen.Amen. Amen.

Informationen über Lord Horatio Nelson

Admiral, besiegt 1805 bei Trafalgar die französisch-spanische Flotte (England, 1758 - 1805).

Lord Horatio Nelson · Geburtsdatum · Sterbedatum

Lord Horatio Nelson wäre heute 266 Jahre, 5 Monate, 2 Tage oder 97.310 Tage alt.

Geboren am 29.09.1758 in Burnham Thorpe (Norfolk)
Gestorben am 21.10.1805 in Trafalgar
Sternzeichen: ♎ Waage

Weitere 15 Zitate von Lord Horatio Nelson

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