Zitate von Sprichwort Frankreich
Ein bekanntes Zitat von Sprichwort Frankreich:
Die kleinen Töpfe lieben es überzulaufen.
Informationen über Sprichwort Frankreich
Lebensweisheit und Lebenserfahrung in einprägsamer Sprache.
Weitere 1.114 Zitate von Sprichwort Frankreich
Poor taste leads to crime.
Silence makes no mistakes.
The maxims of men disclose their hearts.
The tools to him who has the ability to handle them.
The usual choice is not between the good and the bad but between the bad and the worse.
There are two great pleasures in gambling: winning and losing.
There is no stupid work, there are only stupid people.
To marry is to learn to be alone.
When a man begins to reason. he ceases to feel.
Without grace, beauty is an unbaited hook.
Women are often different.
Young people tell what they are doing, old people what they have done and fools what they wish to do.
Les bons livres forment l'esprit et l'âme.
Si tu prends l'avantage tout entier - tu dois aussi t'acquitter de tes charges.