Zitate von Wyston Hugh Auden
Ein bekanntes Zitat von Wyston Hugh Auden:
Vergnügen ist durchaus nicht ein untrügliches Kriterium, aber es ist das am wenigsten fehlbare.
Informationen über Wyston Hugh Auden
Dichter, Professor für Dichtkunst/Oxford (England/USA, 1907 - 1973).
Wyston Hugh Auden · Geburtsdatum · Sterbedatum
Wyston Hugh Auden wäre heute 118 Jahre, 1 Monat, 8 Tage oder 43.136 Tage alt.
Geboren am 21.02.1907 in York
Gestorben am 28.09.1973 in Wien
Sternzeichen: ♓ Fische
Weitere 94 Zitate von Wyston Hugh Auden
Of course 'behavorism' works. So does torture.
Out on the lawn I lie in bed, / Vega conspicuous overhead.
Pleasure is by no means an infallible guide, but it is the least fallible.
Private faces in public places / Are wiser and nicer / Than public faces in private places.
Private faces in public places are wiser and nicer than public faces in private places.
Sob, heavy world, / Sob as you spin / Mantled in mist, remote from the happy.
Some thirty inches from my nose / The frontier of my person goes, / And all the untilled air between / Is private pagus or demesne. / Stranger, unless with bedroom eyes / I beckon you to fraternize, / Beware of rudely crossing it: / I have no gun, but I can spit.
The desires of the heart are as crooked as corkscrews / Not to be born is the best for man.
The glacier knocks in the cupboard, / The desert sighs in the bed, / And the crack in the tea-cup opens / A lane to the land of the dead.
The mercury sank in the mouth of the dying day. / What instruments we have agree / The day of his death was a dark cold day.
The stars are dead; the animals will not look: / We are left alone with our day, and the time is short and / History to the defeated / May say Alas but cannot help or pardon.
This is the Night Mail crossing the Border, / Bringing the cheque and the postal order, / Letters for the rich, letters for the poor, / The shop at the corner, the girl next door.
This society is going smash; / They cannot fool us with how fast they go, / How much they cost each other and the gods! / A culture is no better than its woods.
To ask the hard question is simple.
To pray is to pay attention to something or someone other than oneself.
To read is to translate, for no two person's experiences are the same.
To save your world you asked this man to die: / Would this man, could he see you now, ask why?
To the man-in-the-street, who, I'm sorry to say, / Is a keen observer of life, / The word "Intellectual" suggests straight away / A man who's untrue to his wife.
To us he is no more a person / now but a whole climate of opinion.
Was he free? Was he happy? The question is absurd: / Had anything been wrong, we should certainly have heard.