Zitate von Daniel Webster

A superior and commanding intellect, a truly great man - when Heaven vouchsafes so rare a gift - is not a temporary flame, burning for a while, and then expiring, giving place to eternal darkness. It is rather a spark of fervent heat, as well as radiant light, with power to enkindle the common mass of human mind; so that, when it glimmers in its own decay, and finally goes out in death, no night followes; but it leaves the world all light, all on fire, from the potent contact of its own spirit.

Informationen über Daniel Webster

Rechtsanwalt, Politiker, Außenminister, "Webster-Ashburton-Vertrag" (USA, 1782 - 1852).

Daniel Webster · Geburtsdatum · Sterbedatum

Daniel Webster wäre heute 243 Jahre, 0 Monate, 15 Tage oder 88.769 Tage alt.

Geboren am 18.01.1782 in Salisbury
Gestorben am 24.10.1852 in Marshfield
Sternzeichen: ♑ Steinbock

Weitere 49 Zitate von Daniel Webster