Zitate von Daniel Webster

America has proved that it is practicable to elevate the mass of mankind - the laboring or lower class - to raise them to self-respect, to make them competent to act a part in the great right and the great duty of self-government; and she has proved that this may be done by education and the diffusion of knowledge. She holds out an example a thousand times more encouraging than ever was presented before to those nine-tenths of the human race who are born without hereditary fortune or hereditary rank.

Informationen über Daniel Webster

Rechtsanwalt, Politiker, Außenminister, "Webster-Ashburton-Vertrag" (USA, 1782 - 1852).

Daniel Webster · Geburtsdatum · Sterbedatum

Daniel Webster wäre heute 243 Jahre, 1 Monat, 22 Tage oder 88.807 Tage alt.

Geboren am 18.01.1782 in Salisbury
Gestorben am 24.10.1852 in Marshfield
Sternzeichen: ♑ Steinbock

Weitere 49 Zitate von Daniel Webster