Zitate von Lord George Gordon Byron

'Tis melancholy, and a fearful sign Of human frailty, folly, also crime, That love and marriage rarely can combine, Although they both are born in the same clime; Marriage from love, like vinegar from wine- A sad, sour, sober beverage-by time Is sharpened from its high celestial flavour, Down to a very homely household savour.

Informationen über Lord George Gordon Byron

Poet, "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage", "Cain", "Lara", galt außerhalb Englands als "schillernde Persönlichkeit" mit großem Einfluß (England, 1788 - 1824).

Lord George Gordon Byron · Geburtsdatum · Sterbedatum

Lord George Gordon Byron wäre heute 236 Jahre, 11 Monate, 12 Tage oder 86.544 Tage alt.

Geboren am 22.01.1788 in London
Gestorben am 19.04.1824 in Missolunghi
Sternzeichen: ♒ Wassermann

Weitere 343 Zitate von Lord George Gordon Byron